Greetings, everyone !!

It’s been a while since I showed up here for the last time, hasn’t it ?

Although many things remained the same, a lot has changed in my life: I really don’t like to abuse the word “depressed” (or even use it at all), but my view of our reality got indeed quite darker. However, not in a way that makes me feel like giving up, but which inspires this strong sense of purpose and responsibility to change things for the better. That doesn’t seem bad to me, but sometimes I miss being able to joke around without major concerns.

I was planning to register some thoughts in this blog, but ended up neglecting this idea. I didn’t even told you that I was able to pass my last year’s GSoC Final Term evaluation… Wow, that was a bit rude and lazy, I guess.

(Well, who followed my reports during GSoC 2016 knows that laziness is nothing new here, by the way)

Talking about it… the fact is that I’m here today to tell you that I’ve tried a second participation on GSoC this year and managed to get selected again !:

Hi Leonardo José Consoni,

Your proposal OpenModelica Integration has been accepted!

Welcome to GSoC 2017!

We look forward to seeing the great things you will accomplish this summer with Scilab.


(I can’t possibly consider lack of competition for such an important international program, so I guess I’m a pretty good marketer, right ?)

(Well, I’m joking less now, but the usual self-deprecating humor is still here)

As you can see in the notification I received, this year I’m working with Scilab Enterprises again. Not that I didn’t look into other organizations, but this new project idea really appealed to me, and I enjoyed working with Scilab developers in the past. I hope to be able to provide a meaningful contribution to them one more time.

(The last one as a GSoC student, as one can only participate 2 times)

So… what is this “OpenModelica” thing there, after all ?

That’s something I’ll leave for the next post, which I pretend to publish rather soon, as the selection announcement was 7 days ago and I’m late in getting started.

Thanks for sticking with me. See ya.