My 2017 GSoC Project - Part XII

A New Breath

Hello there. It’s been a while, right ? The last two weeks weren’t so great: I was haunted by segmentation faults all the time when trying to run the OpenModelica generated model library. Therefore, I couldn’t achieve any new meaningful result worth blogging about. The idea presented here in... [Read More]

My 2017 GSoC Project - Part XI

Test for Failures to not Fail The Test

Hello there, Quickly following my previous post, I also intend to show some actual results here, as everything up till now was mostly theory and implementation details. Taking the example of previously described “chaos” block, we can see the output during Modelica blocks compilation and simulation using the... [Read More]

My 2017 GSoC Project - Part X

Compiling Compilers

Hey, I’m back After passing GSoC’s Second Evaluation (barely, I must say, as I haven’t presented concrete results yet), I decided to write about some short but important topic that I’ve been postponing for a while. OpenModelica is a huge project, with many tools apart from the compiler itself, and... [Read More]

My 2017 GSoC Project - Part IX

Translators Needed

Hello again, In a much needed attempt to deliver more meaningful results before GSoC’s Second Evaluation, today I’m applying information from the previous post on actual generation of a Modelica-based Scicos block, using OpenModelica. For reasons beyond my knowledge (no sarcasm intended), Scilab currently uses OCaml language for... [Read More]