My 2017 GSoC Project - Part VIII

Describe Distribution (or Vice Versa)

Hey there, On our continuing journey for adding OpenModelica support to Scilab/Xcos, now it’s time to start loading of the exported model configuration, in order to build Xcos editor interfacing functions (more on that in the near future). As said (more or less) on previous posts, FMI2-compliant applications export... [Read More]

My 2017 GSoC Project - Part VII

Organinzing The [Intelectual] Mess

Hello there, With first evaluations passed (thanks, mentors), and after more time than the ideal, I return to finish our FMI2-wrapper computational function. Exchanging some e-mails and revisiting available documentation (FMI specification is too long to get by looking at it a single time) made me realize that my... [Read More]

My 2017 GSoC Project - Part V

An Expected (sic) Turn of Events

Hey, here I am again ! After dealing with [de/re]initialization procedures for the Scicos/FMI2 wrapper block, I guess the most likely next step would be to deal with regular updates, dealing with integration of continuous states and setting block outputs (x and y vectors, respectively). However, due to some confusion... [Read More]

My 2017 GSoC Project - Part IV

(Un)Filling The Box

Hello there, I was undecided about where to begin the posts about glueing FMI2 calls to the Scicos Block interface, mentioned in the last post, so I’ll take the most obvious route and start from the beginning… … of block processing/simulation, I mean. And that is triggered by the... [Read More]