My 2017 GSoC Project - Part III

Computational Black Boxes

Hey everyone, I should have started posting updates for GSoC Working Period a week ago, but some difficulties in grasping how to do things properly, along with some of my academic research tasks, prevented me from having something worth publishing. I apologize for that. On the bright side, when I... [Read More]

My 2017 GSoC Project - Part II

One Interface to Rule Them All

Hi all, I was planning to write the next blog post only after I figured out completely how Scilab integrates with Modelica as of now. However, exploring all the necessary code paths was taking more time than expected, and I would like to conclude the Community Bonding Period with... [Read More]

My 2017 GSoC Project - Part I

Modeling with numbers

Hi there, As said on my previous blog post, today I’m talking more specifically about my GSoC 2017 project, named “OpenModelica Integration [for Scilab]”. “So, what is this you plan to integrate ?” Imagine that you need to simulate a physical phenomenon, or implement any sort of equation, in... [Read More]