My 2016 GSoC Project - Part XV

Learning to Read

We meet again, companions. This latest (and most likely last) GSoC achievement I’m going to talk about was probably one of the most difficult ones, whose hardness was potentialized by the urgency of the Final Term week. Its stressful to try finding the right screws to twist when there’s a... [Read More]

My 2016 GSoC Project - Part XIII

Learning History to Repeat It

Once again, I’m back !! Someone said at some time that not knowing history dooms us to repeat it. Well, I wouldn’t necessarily call repetition “doom”, as there are many situations when reproducing what has been previously done is desired. (I’m purposely misinterpreting things for the sake of the... [Read More]

My 2016 GSoC Project - Part XII

Tools of The Trade

Hello, again (and quicker than last time) ! When it comes to solving a problem, much is said about the value of knowing precisely which screws to twist, rather than being capable of twisting a lot of screws. But what we normally neglect is that first you need to know... [Read More]