My 2016 GSoC Project - Part XI

New Home, New Rules

Hello again, folks ! * Insert lame excuse about delay here (Shame on me) * Nowadays, Scilab’s compilation generates 2 executables: scilab-bin, the full-featured Java GUI interface (with Scinotes, Xcos and help browser tools); and scilab-cli-bin, which opens the shell on a simple terminal, and can even be... [Read More]

My 2016 GSoC Project - Part IX

Please, have some Class...

Greetings everyone ! As I said before, GSoC Mid-Term phase is on, and, before it ends, I really wish to be [mostly] done with the ZeroMQ connections, Jupyter messaging and HMAC authentication part of my project. Obviously I’ll need to come back to it sometimes to make ajustments and implement... [Read More]

My 2016 GSoC Project - Part VII

May we see your credentials ?

Quicker than last time, I’m back. Being the kind of guy who always developed software projects on my own, coding for study or other personal purposes, sometimes focusing on few people (who end up not using it) besides myself, I never worried that much about making my applications provide execution... [Read More]